Georgetown Scientific Research Journal GSR Journal
Our shared understanding of the scientific world advances at a pace determined by its investigators. This pace has perhaps never been quicker and more relentless than it is now, rightfully so. As researchers return to their labs in the midst of the new post-pandemic environment, the global conscience of the pandemic’s impacts is a pressing reminder that the scientific community must come together in the pursuit of learning from the past, optimizing the present, and being more prepared in the future. In publishing Georgetown Scientific Research Journal’s Spring 2023 issue, we could not be more confident that these worldwide motivations to pursue science rigorously and to deeply study our scientific past, present, and future are perfectly reflected in Georgetown’s community of student researchers. Furthermore, this issue allowed us to appreciate that Georgetown’s committed student researchers, with their diverse research interests, are truly aware of the potential that their work has to improve the human condition. As you read the following articles, we hope the commitment of the authors to understanding and alleviating the challenges faced by diverse communities they may not be a part of also resonates with you.
In this issue, we are excited to present novel work in fields of research that are both well-established and just budding. The variety of topics represented can prompt readers to reflect on their own research interests and consider how the student research community at Georgetown critically evaluates what science can teach us about the past, present, and future. Included is a study that looks to the past and considers the lasting impacts of virtual education during the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ social wellbeing, a study that looks to the present and considers how we can better accommodate students with OCD in an academic setting, and two studies that look to the future: one considers a promising genetic target for the therapeutic approach to breast cancer and another evaluates the synaptic activity of hallucinogenic compounds that could be developed for the treatment of depression.
We hope that readers are able to recognize the contributions that the authors published in this issue have made to the scientific community. By celebrating the achievements of our peers and drawing inspiration from the far-reaching implications of our work, we can continue to power the hurtling pace of scientific progress that we bear witness to today.